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July 30, 2024

In this blog we explore different forms of tilling that can be more sustainable while still achieving the goals of conventional tillage. We also explore no-till farming and how similar results for weed control and soil texture can be achieved.

July 23, 2024

For thousands of years we have tilled soil to prepare land for crops. The immediate benefits are clear when passing to planting seed, however, as our tillage implements have become more prolific and larger in size the so too has the damage done to the soil. In this blog we will explore the history of tilling, why we till, the different forms and function of tillage, and brief look at the downsides of tilling.

July 17, 2024

As biological products have become mainstream in agriculture we have seen hundreds of products stocking shelves trying to take advantage of a new market. However, biologicals don't play by conventional agricultural rules, leaving many of these products that follow a traditional model ineffective. In this blog, we explore why so many bottled products show scattered results, if any results at all, and how we can effectively use biological solutions to get results on farms.

July 09, 2024

We explore the process of ecological succession, explaining how baren soil becomes productive forest, and the interplay between microbes, plants and animals in driving change. Understanding succession can help farmers and land stewards build biodiversity, complexity, and productivity into their landscapes leading to healthier crops and ecosystems.

May 20, 2024

Excess nitrogen fertilizer is not only damaging to the environment, but can also waste significant resources for farmers. In this blog we talk about strategies to lower nitrogen usage, leading to a healthier ecosystem and more profit for growers.

May 16, 2024

Drought and desertification have impacted many African nations for decades, leading to novel and creative strategies for managing water and restoring landscapes. One project in particular, the Great Green Wall, aimed to stop the spread of desertification through Central Africa yielded interesting results. As many Western nations are starting to tackle water scarcity and increasing temperatures, what can we learn from arid nations that have adapted to these conditions before we have needed to?

May 02, 2024

Biochar has been a buzz for years in the regenerative agriculture space. Seen as a fix-all soil conditioner and a stable carbon fixer to help fight climate change, there seems to be very little biochar can't achieve. How effective is biochar really? Can carbon credits help offset its costs? Read along as we take a deep dive into Biochar and if it is right for you.

April 23, 2024

Plant residual, like corn stocks and sugarcane trash, have many benefits to agricultural systems including increasing organic matter, reducing erosion, and increasing water retention. Finding ways to incorporate organic matter residuals into a management strategy can be a daunting task for many growers, however, as the potential drawbacks and management complications detract from the upsides of maintaining residual plant material in the field. In this blog, we explore the apprehension behind starting a new practice and discuss the mechanisms behind residual breakdown.

April 16, 2024

Glyphosate has faced legal battles and unclear resolution around its effects on human health. In this blog, the cases and effects of glyphosate are explored - are we at risk and how concerned should we be?

April 09, 2024

Regenerative agriculture is a term that is used loosely and with poor definition. As an agronomic and scientific community it is important to come to a consensus on important emerging terminology in a way that highlights our communal goals and maximize the impact on a broad and attainable scale.

March 26, 2024

The beneficial impact of adopting regenerative agricultural practices within traditionally conventional agronomic systems.

September 07, 2023

In this blog we explore calculations that ponder the value of soil organic matter, making an argument to leverage its known benefits and prioritize building healthy soil.

August 20, 2023

Sriracha pepper shortages are effecting supply chains primarily due to extreme climate variability in Northern Mexico.

August 10, 2021

How nutrients are cycled through the predation of bacteria and fungi. Protozoa (amoeba, flagellates, ciliates) and Nematodes are key pieces to a healthy soil.

July 27, 2021

How plants interact with Bacteria and Fungi to cycle nutrients from the mineral and organic matter fractions of soil.

July 13, 2021

Role of Biological Functionality in regenerative, sustainable, and conventional agricultural systems.

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